The Offer Bridge: Designing your Business with the Buyer in Mind

When that spark ignites inside your brain for a new product, service, business, etc. Often you jump straight into branding or logo design. Maybe you start by designing your product itself. Each one of us lean more toward one of these approaches, but the truth is: if you aren’t designing your business with your buyer’s needs, wants, problems, and desires in mind… the best you can hope for is to just be successful by accident.
“If you aren’t designing your business with your buyer’s needs, wants, problems, and desires in mind… the best you can hope for is to just be successful by accident.”
When we work with our clients on growing their business and reaching a larger audience, it is very common that they are missing that empathetic connection to their customer that would allow them to exponentially grow their audience. That’s precisely the reason why we developed The Offer Bridge. It has been an invaluable tool for us to help our clients (and ourselves) visualize how our customers are feeling at various stages of the buyer’s journey, what problems or doubts they are experiencing, and how we can provide them with a solution to help make their lives better.

Download the Offer Bridge Diagram and Worksheet