
Episode 7: Peanut Butter and Pasta Sauce – 60 Day Startup

Did you know customers are HAPPIEST when they have LESS to choose from?


You might be saying, “What?! That’s crazy!”

But it’s true. 😎

This week we’re going to use peanut butter & pasta sauce to show you how the paradox of choice can drive your sales up 📈 and headaches down 📉. By honing in on your product and offering your customers exactly what they want so that’s it’s easy to choose.

Because after all, we’re offering OneBook not TwelveBook…

Let’s get started!


📚 Resources from this episode:

Download and clone our OneBook Funnel:


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📺Want to watch all the episodes thus far? Binge below!

👉🏻Episode 1:

👉🏻Episode 2:

👉🏻Episode 3:

👉🏻Episode 4:

👉🏻Episode 5:

👉🏻Episode 6:

☕️Join us after watching this episode in our community 60 Day Startup Lab to network and get help from other entrepreneurs and mentors.


🎧Music provided by the fantastic artists at Soundstripe.



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